
Assign the component VirtueMart to a menu item

Advanced child

Showcase advanced pattern usage.
virtuemart cart logoThe Famous VirtueMart Cart Logo
Base price 25,00 €
Base price for variant 25,00 €
Variant price modifier:
Salesprice with discount
Sales price 30,00 €
Sales price without tax 25,00 €
Tax amount 5,00 €

This is a basic child of Product PATTERN. You see inherited settings, only Product description is overwritten.

String Tooltip
Customfield string 1: Child content
For additional searchable product attributes displayed in a consistent format in the product description
Customfield string 2: Child content
For additional searchable product attributes displayed in a consistent format in the product description
Editor Tooltip

Advanced PATTERN content
>> This customfields are assigned in parent product.

Units in box: 1


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